What We Believe
This page is here to answer some of the most common questions about what we believe and how we practice our faith. If you have more questions or want to discuss anything specific, please reach out to us.
You don’t have to agree with these doctrinal statements to attend our church. We believe everyone is welcome at Main Street Baptist Church, regardless of background or beliefs.
The Bible
We believe the Bible to be God’s Word to us. It is true and trustworthy in all that it teaches and therefore we accept it as our only authoritative guide for learning to live a life that honors Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
We believe there is only one living and true God who has graciously chosen to reveal Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Convinced that He is all that He has revealed Himself to be, we believe that He is worthy of our highest love.
We believe that forgiveness of our sins and peace with God is a gift from Him that is received through repentance from sin toward God and faith in Jesus Christ. All who truly receive the gift of His salvation are eternally secure in the Lord Jesus and will spend eternity in heaven. Those without His salvation will spend eternity separated from Him.
We believe that in obedience to Jesus Christ’s command, all who receive the gift of salvation are to give testimony of that through baptism by immersion.
Spirit-Led Life
We believe that God gives us the Holy Spirit when we put our faith in Jesus Christ. We are dependent on God’s Spirit within us and so we desire Him to lead us toward Christlikeness and to empower us in our worship and service to Him.
The Church
We believe Main Street Baptist Church is a local body of baptized believers with the Lord Jesus Christ as the Head of our church.
You can find more details about our beliefs in the Baptist Faith and Message.